About Us

History of the East Central Regional Development Commission
The East Central Regional Development Commission was organized by petition of local units of government in 1973.  Formation of regional development commissions – RDCs – is authorized under the Regional Development Act of 1969.  An updated Regional Development Act was passed in 1997 by the Minnesota Legislature.  There are 13 development regions in Minnesota.

Mission of the East Central Regional Development Commission
The East Central Regional Development Commission’s mission is to provide leadership and direction through problem solving.  We do this by initiating projects and programs that lead to create solutions to regional problems, by providing technical assistance and by identifying and developing available resources.  Our mission is to provide a leadership role as an advocate for East Central Minnesota to bring about positive change.

Public Interest Representatives Sought From Chisago County 
The East Central Regional Development Commission (ECRDC) is seeking a Public Interest Representative from Chisago County to fill a vacancy on its Commission Board. As required by State Law and ECRDC Bylaws, the appointed individual must represent the general public interest of the county. The position is for a two-year term. Residents of Chisago County who are interested in serving on the Commission’s governing body are encouraged to apply. Deadline: February 17, 2025.

Public Interest Application – (Word format)

Public Interest Application – (Fillable pdf format)

Native American Tribal Representative
When a vacancy exists, notice will be sent to the Chief Executive of the tribe and any interested Native American residing in the development region or within the boundaries of a reservation served by the ECRDC.

Employment Opportunities – None at this time.

ECRDC Job Application (Word format)

ECRDC Job Application (PDF format) 

Contact Info


Contact Us:

100 Park St. S., Mora, MN 55051
Phone: (320) 679-4065
Email: ecrdc@ecrdc.org

ECRDC Board Meeting Dates

ECRDC Board Meeting Dates


ECRDC Board Orientation – 24 – 8-26