ECRDC Transportation Program
The East Central Regional Development’s Transportation Program works with local officials to assist in solving transportation problems and act as a liaison between local governments and the Minnesota Department of Transportation.
Area Transportation Partnership (ATP)
Regional Development Commissions assisted Mn/DOT in establishing ATPs throughout the state to solicit and prioritize federally funded transportation projects. RDCs continue to participate on ATPs, assist in developing ATP policy and procedures, and prioritizing projects for federal funding.
Section 16 Transit Vehicle Grant Program
This program provides assistance to local organizations in preparing the grant applications, participates on the Statewide Review Committee, and conducts Monitoring Programs of existing vehicles.
Statewide Planning
Statewide Planning provides local perspective on state planning efforts by participating on the following committees: Minnesota Scenic Byways Committee, State Transportation Plan, ISTEA Management Systems Committees, and Transit Coordination Advisory Committee.
Transportation Advisory Committee (TAC)
The TAC works closely with a committee consisting of local, state and federal government representatives in development of plans and programs.
Traffic and Road Conditions – Weather reports, construction, delays, detours, and more