Take a break

You need to take these three types of breaks every day: https://www.inc.com/jessica-stillman/productivity-time-management-laura-vanderkam.html

Revolving Loan Fund

Hs your business been impacted by COVID-19? If so, ECRDC Revolving Loan Fund may be able to help. With loans with interest rates as low as 0% and flexible terms. Call us at (320) 679-4065 #34 to get started.

Business Ideas

Here are three simple job tweaks that will make your employees instantly smarter. https://www.inc.com/jessica-stillman/employee-assignments-feedback-intelligence.html

Buy / Sell Business

The ECRDC maintains a database of business with owners looking to transition out of their businesses, and entrepreneurs looking to purchase a business. We love to play matchmaker. Call us confidentially to let us know your plans and see how […]

Business Tips

Using LinkedIn? Here are some tips: https://www.inc.com/hillel-fuld/5-annoying-ineffective-things-to-stop-doing-on-linkedin.html

Property of the Week

East Central MN Property of the Week: Former fast-food restaurant in Princeton. https://www.remaxcommercial.com/ListingDetails/301-Rum-River-S-Drive-Princeton-MN-55371/6177509

1 Million Cups

Have you heard of 1 Million Cups? It’s a free weekly entrepreneurship event that meets online. The one hour events are Wednesdays at 9:00 AM. To find out more or to participate, please see: https://www.1millioncups.com/edenprairie


Legal Corps provides free or low cost legal services to small businesses and entrepreneurs looking to start their business. www.legalcorps.org

Business Tips

How to navigate your company’s communication strategy during a global crisis: https://www.entrepreneur.com/article/421104


SCORE can connect entrepreneurs to mentors with real world business experience. Call (651) 632-8937 www.stpaul.score.org