Child Care Providers Needed

Create a warm and welcoming child care with assistance from many resources that walk hand in hand to help you start your own business.

Toward Zero Deaths

Drive Smart: Avoid Speeding Risks Greater potential for loss of vehicle control Increased need for stopping time / distance Increased crash severity leads to more serious injuries and death

Explore Minnesota Tourism Conference

The Explore Minnesota Tourism Conference is the annual learning opportunity designed specifically for the Minnesota tourism industry. This educational event includes national keynote speakers, topical breakout sessions, networking, and plenty of fresh and actionable ideas. The event will be held […]

Request for Proposal for Child Care Capacity Building Consultant

The Initiative Foundation is seeking requests for proposals for a child care capacity building consultant to assist with serving counties in our eastern service region (Pine, Isanti, Chisago, Kanabec, and Mille Lacs).  RFPs accepted until January 12, 2024.  Click here […]

Mille Lacs Area’s 5th Annual Christmas Bird Count

It’s the Mille Lacs Area’s 5th Annual Christmas Bird Count. Each winter, tens of thousands of volunteers from across North America head outside with binoculars to count and identify birds in their communities. They’re taking part in the Christmas Bird […]

Local Farmers – Local Food

The ECRDC is excited to let you know we have received funding through USDA to establish a Regional Food Business Center (RFBC).  There are 12 throughout the country.  The ECRDC is part of the North Central RFBC, along with other […]

MNDOT Offers Active Transportation Assistance

Livable communities provide safety for their residents and visitors, and they provide options for people to get around in a variety of ways. MnDOT has up to $800K for selected communities to create active transportation plans in 2024 with the […]

Property of the Week

East Central MN Property of the Week: The Brass Rail – WCCO Viewers’ Choice For Best Broasted Chicken In Minnesota.