Hiring Diverse Mindsets

Hiring diverse mindsets can help your business thrive: https://www.entrepreneur.com/article/398830


Our friends at SCORE are holding some great small-business focused webinars over the next couple of weeks, including on February 10: The 7 Secrets to Mastering Your Sales Pitch: https://www.score.org/7-secrets-mastering-your-sales-pitch

Revolving Loan Fund

Has your business been impacted by COVID-19? If so, ECRDC Revolving Loan Fund may be able to help. With loans with interest rates as low as 0% and flexible terms. Call us at (320) 679-4065 #34 to get started.

Property of the Week

East Central MN Property of the Week: Commercial building in downtown Hinckley. https://www.remaxcommercial.com/ListingDetails/125-Main-Street-E-Hinckley-MN-55037/6144882


Our friends at SCORE are holding some great small-business focused webinars over the next couple of week, including on February 8: Small Business Resilience – How to Sharpen Your Focus and Decrease Stress: https://www.score.org/small-business-resilience-how-sharpen-your-focus-and-decrease-stress

Building a resilient team

Keep your business vibrant by building a resilient team: https://www.entrepreneur.com/article/399962

SCORE Webinar

Our friends at SCORE are holding a variety of free small business assistance focused webinars coming up in the next several weeks, including on January 6: 2022’s Hottest Businesses, Markets & Trends. https://www.score.org/event/2022s-hottest-businesses-markets-trends

Opportunity Zones

Opportunity Zones (OZs) are the hottest new tool for economic development & business growth – EAST CENTRAL MN HAS 9 OZs!!!  We have shovel-ready certified building sites, great transportation infrastructure, first-rate workforce & connections to investors. https://ecrdc.org/east-central-mn-opportunity-zones/

Retaining Employees

The “Great Resignation” isn’t going away. Here are some tips on keeping your top team members: https://www.inc.com/minda-zetlin/motivation-employees-play-enjoying-job-lindsay-mcgregor.html