2022 Workplace Trends

2022 has arrived. Here are some workplace trends for the new year and why employee experience counts in retaining your workforce: https://www.entrepreneur.com/article/393082

Employment Opportunity

ECRDC Finance Officer The East Central Regional Development Commission seeks a full-time Finance Officer.  Experience with governmental fund accounting involving multiple funding sources and programs preferred. Bachelor’s degree in business administration, accounting, or related field and 2 years of related […]

Small Business Development Center

It’s time to start on planning to start your own business! No need to go out – meet with a MN Small Business Development Center (SBDC) counselor over the phone or online free of charge to get going on your […]


I think it’s fair to say that nearly everyone is feeling some form of burnout these days. Here are four ways to improve team morale when folks are getting burned out: https://www.inc.com/kenny-kline/4-ways-to-improve-team-morale-when-your-staff-is-burnt-out.html

Revolving Loan Fund

Hs your business been impacted by COVID-19? If so, ECRDC Revolving Loan Fund may be able to help. With loans with interest rates as low as 0% and flexible terms. Call us at (320) 679-4065 #34 to get started.

Retaining Workforce

The “Great Resignation” is on in full force. Here are ten signs that someone is about to quit: https://hbr.org/2016/10/13-signs-that-someone-is-about-to-quit-according-to-research?utm_medium=social&utm_campaign=hbr&utm_source=facebook&tpcc=orgsocial_edit&fbclid=IwAR1L2Qw288FKAZBwKg7lOfy94Bvph2jfl9X_5fBJHfqFUqfX2OG5SdaFrlg

SCORE Webinar

Our friends at SCORE are holding a variety of free small business assistance focused webinars coming up in the next several weeks, including on January 13: Building a Hybrid Cloud for Your Growing Business. https://www.score.org/event/building-hybrid-cloud-your-growing-business

Property of the Week

East Central MN Property of the Week: Office property in downtown Hinckley. https://www.remaxcommercial.com/ListingDetails/402-Old-HWY-61-S-Hinckley-MN-55037/6005735

SBA Webinar

The SBA is holding a free webinar: Is owning a business a good fit for you? on January 12th. https://www.eventbrite.com/e/is-owning-a-business-a-good-fit-for-you-sba-money-smart-series-tickets-214784495207?utm_medium=email&utm_source=govdelivery

Business Investors

Does your business have investors? Or is seeking investors? Here are three things entrepreneurs should focus on before meeting with investors: https://www.entrepreneur.com/article/398048