10 Steps to Start Your Business

Have experience, an idea, or a hobby you love? 10 steps to start your business Starting a business involves planning, making key financial decisions, and completing a series of legal activities. Click on this link to learn about each step […]

Keeping it Local

Sharing an article from the Wall Street Journal SHOP Local A ‘WIN-WIN-WIN’ Decades ago, of course, most tenants of neighborhood shopping centers were locally owned small businesses. But competition from national brands that sold the same goods or services at […]

Business Finance

Great River Energy has a variety of programs to help finance growing businesses in their coverage area. Call Jeff Borling at (218) 355-8088 to get things started. http://econdev.greatriverenergy.com/mncooperativesites

Time for a change?

Looking for something else in life? A midlife change to entrepreneurship might be the right move for you. https://www.entrepreneur.com/article/391700

Small Business Webinar

There are several good small business focused webinars coming up in the next several weeks, including on December 4: Brand Your Business For Success: https://zoom.us/meeting/register/tJElduqqrTIvGdMBGamgxbkwAo5W-5MuTXAC?utm_medium=email&utm_source=govdelivery

Business Tips

Focusing on underserved or niche markets might be the door to success. https://www.entrepreneur.com/article/396218

Lean Startup Workshop

Innovate 218 is holding a Lean Startup virtual workshop on Wednesday, December 15th from 6:00 – 8:00 PM.

Small Business Development Center

The MN Small Business Development Center can help free of charge with business plans, securing business financing and more. In Kanabec County call Heidi at 320-209-5031. @kanabeceda http://www.kanabeccounty.org/departments/kanabec_county_eda.php

Annual Business Renewal

2021 is nearly at it’s end. Have you filed your annual business renewal with the MN Secretary of State? You can file you’re annual renewal online at: https://www.sos.state.mn.us/business-liens/start-a-business/how-to-renew-or-amend-your-business-filing/

Redevelopment Grant and Demolition Loan Programs

DEED to Hold Webinar on Redevelopment Grant and Demolition Loan Programs Please join the Minnesota Department of Employment and Economic Development (DEED) for an informational webinar on December 15, 2021 to learn more about the Redevelopment Grant and Demolition Loan […]