Did you know an insect in your car…

An insect in your car is really dangerous; a bug in your car increases your risk of a crash by more than six times compared to attentive driver (without any insects in the car), according to Virginia Tech Transportation Institute.

How to protect your vehicle from unexpected moving objects such as insects:

  • Keep your vehicle clean: This is the best way to deter bugs from making your vehicle their new home.

  • Vacuum your floorboards regularly:
     Make sure to keep your carpets and mats super clean! If you see a spider, it could be that they are attracted to other bugs.
  • Mix up vinegar, lemon and vanilla! Spray it in your vehicle.
  • “Bomb” your vehicle: After the interior of your vehicle has been thoroughly sanitized, you could set off a time-delay bug bomb inside the car, with the windows closed if you have pest infestation. Then, after several hours, air out the car completely, wipe down everything to remove insecticide residue, and take comfort that your infestation should be ended.
  • While driving: If you have an insect phobia, keep your windows rolled up at all times. If you detect an insect while driving, please then slow down and keep your eyes firmly on the road and not on the insect. Pull over as soon as it’s safe to do so and open all the doors and windows to allow the insect to escape on its own accord.

If you can’t park the car quickly and safely, fully open all the windows to allow the insect to fly out. Remember to try not to panic and swat the insect or wave your hands around to force the insect away. As well as making you feel more frantic, this will irritate the insect and increase the likelihood of a sting or bite.